Daily time wasters

Whatsapp and Facebook are my major time wasters daily. The messages keep pouring in, especially group messages. The moment I would want to put the phone away, ping! Another juicy message flies in…ping! Another message with a juicy political satire pops up…a greeting from a friend jumps…hey what are the alumni on the Hugh school and college group up to today? Herr Zuckerberg made it so easy to peep into facebook from Whatsapp, I literally spend hours plying back and forth.

How do you waste the most time every day?

The only time I put the phone down is to eat and to charge the phone….serious addiction to social media. It is a time waster I need to manage seriously.

The social media links and adverts create a high curiosity and get me gravitated to open and peep to see what is there, then another link appears that sucks me further and before you know it, four hours, six hours, the prime quarter of the day gone…half the day wasted. Ummm I need to shake Whatsapp and Facebook off my back. I really have to do that yesterday.

Instagram and LinkedIn follow closely plus X too. It’s twined around me like a bovine constrictor, ready to devour and swallow all my prime time. Counting and taking an inventory of what I would have gained in those critically important prime hours…nothing, absolutely very little to nothing at all. Yes, I get to write and update my blog, but hey, it’s not proportional to the time spent.

YouTube is another mampara. Lots of political junk and religious opium plus musical cannabis too. It is all designed to mess with my brain and keep it in lala land. I do listen to a lot of audio books on YouTube, that’s a plus.

I need now to use social media to boost my business and as a learning platform. There is a vast opportunity to learn and earn high academic and social accolades on social media but the devil keeps bringing up junk and dirty things to distract us from the good and beneficial stuff. Depressing news pops up very fast on WhatsApp and Facebook. That’s a major distraction and time wasting vector too. It’s all a social mess really.

I need to manage my social media addiction to benefit me.

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a passionate forester and Environmentalist

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